

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Hi guys! Sorry I am literally the worst blogger ever! I have so many things I want to post but I am literally drowning in school and life and have very little time for myself. 
As I type this on my phone I am on my way to the airport for the trip I have been talking about so I will definitely have a post for each day when I get back! Posting everyday on here would be very tedious and I wouldn't have all my photos to share so it'll be worth the wait, I promise!
As for some life updates, I got my hair cut for the first time in quite a while. I didn't get much length off but it's much easier to deal with and I quite like it. I took before and after photos so I will be sure to share those with you later!
I also had my 22nd birthday last month. I didn't do anything too exciting but my friends and family spoiled me so I'll be sure to post all about that as well!
I also received some very exciting news on the day before my birthday. I have been named the valedictorian of my graduating class! Unfortunately this means I have to speak at comencement which, for someone with my fear of public speaking, is terrifying. However, I am trying not to think about that until I get back from my trip.
For those of your who read my blog, thank you for sticking with me. I'll be better at this someday! You'll be hearing from me soon!


P.s. This was supposed to post over a week ago and I just now realized it never posted.... Sorry! I will be making the promised updates starting a little later in the week!